Adam has been in a bit of a slump lately. It looks like he broke out of it in a big way last night, going a perfect 6-0. JC posted a solid 4-2 night, but home ice reverts back to Adam with the clean sweep on Saturday. Adam took Chicago first on this six game Sunday.
ADAM (153-110): Chicago (1st), Anaheim (4th), Carolina (5th)
JC (156-107): Pittsburgh (2nd), Columbus (3rd), Ottawa (6th)

Starting today, on Sundays JC and Adam will be picking guys who they think will light the lamp that day ('Sunday Scorers' - Adam loves alliteration). The total number of scorers selected will reflect the number of games for that day (today there's six games, so we picked 3 skaters each - on odd-numbered Sunday slates we'll round up or down). The picking format follows the same as the game format, and Adam decided to go first:
ADAM (4-11): Alex Killorn (Tampa Bay), Jeff Skinner (Carolina), Marian Hossa (Chicago)
JC (4-11): Mike Hoffman (Ottawa), Patric Hornqvist (Pittsburgh), Artem Anisimov (Chicago)
JC (156-107): Pittsburgh (2nd), Columbus (3rd), Ottawa (6th)

Starting today, on Sundays JC and Adam will be picking guys who they think will light the lamp that day ('Sunday Scorers' - Adam loves alliteration). The total number of scorers selected will reflect the number of games for that day (today there's six games, so we picked 3 skaters each - on odd-numbered Sunday slates we'll round up or down). The picking format follows the same as the game format, and Adam decided to go first:
ADAM (4-11): Alex Killorn (Tampa Bay), Jeff Skinner (Carolina), Marian Hossa (Chicago)
JC (4-11): Mike Hoffman (Ottawa), Patric Hornqvist (Pittsburgh), Artem Anisimov (Chicago)
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